Patients' Bill of Rights


  1. The patient shall be treated with consideration, respect, 充分承认病人的尊严和个性, 包括治疗和个人护理中的隐私,包括被告知姓名, licensure status, 以及所有与患者有过接触的人员的职位, pursuant to RSA 151:3-b.
  2. 患者应被充分告知患者的权利和责任,以及管理患者行为和责任的所有程序. 这些信息必须在入学前或入学时以口头和书面形式提供, except for emergency admissions. 收到信息后,患者必须以书面形式确认. 当病人缺乏做出明智判断的能力时, 签名必须由对患者负有法律责任的人签署.
  3. The patient shall be fully informed in writing, in a language that the patient can understand, 在病人入院前或入院时,以及必要时在病人住院期间, 设施的基本每日费率以及包括和不包括在基本每日费率内的服务. 医疗保险或医疗补助通常不包括的服务说明也应包括在此披露中.
  4. 医疗保健提供者应将其医疗状况充分告知患者, healthcare needs, and diagnostic test results, 包括提供该等结果的方式以及测试和接收结果之间的预期时间间隔, 除非在医学上是不可取的,并在医疗记录中记录, 并应有机会参与规划其全部护理和医疗, to refuse treatment, 并且只有在病人书面同意的情况下才能参与实验研究. For the purpose of this paragraph, "healthcare provider" means any person, corporation, facility, 或获得本州许可或合法提供医疗保健服务的机构, including, but not limited to, a physician, hospital or other healthcare facility, dentist, nurse, optometrist, podiatrist, physical therapist, or psychologist, and any other officer, employee, 或此类提供者的代理,在与医疗保健服务相关或支持医疗保健服务的过程和范围内行事.
  5. 只有出于医疗原因,患者才能在适当的出院计划后转院或出院, for the patient's welfare or that of other patients, if the facility ceases to operate, or for nonpayment for the patient’s stay, 社会保障法第十八章或第十九章禁止的除外. 任何病人都不得因为有资格享受医疗补助作为支付来源而被迫离开医疗机构.
  6. 在病人住院期间,鼓励和协助病人行使病人和公民的权利. 患者可以表达不满,并建议改变政策和服务设施工作人员或外部代表不受约束, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.
  7. 允许患者管理自己的个人财务. 如果病人以书面形式授权医疗机构协助管理,而医疗机构也同意, 援助应根据本分科规定的患者权利和国家法律法规进行.
  8. The patient shall be free from emotional, psychological, sexual and physical abuse and from exploitation, neglect, corporal punishment, and involuntary seclusion.
  9. 病人不应受到化学和物理上的约束,除非在为保护病人或他人免受伤害所必需的特定和有限时间内得到医生的书面授权. In an emergency, 为保护患者或他人免受伤害,可由指定的专业工作人员授权使用约束. 工作人员必须立即向医生报告这一行动,并将其记录在医疗记录中.
  10. 应确保对患者个人和临床记录中包含的所有信息进行保密处理, including that stored in an automatic data bank, 如果向法律没有授权的任何人披露信息,必须征得患者的书面同意. 在根据本章领有执照的任何设施内,病历内所载的医疗资料,须视为病人的财产. 应要求,患者有权获得这些记录的副本. 复制病人病历的收费,如为前30页,不得超过15元或超过$.50 per page, whichever is greater; provided, that copies of filmed records such as radiograms, x-rays, and sonograms shall be copied at a reasonable cost.
  11. 不得要求患者为该机构提供服务. 在适当的治疗或转移目的,并由病人同意, 这些服务可以包括在护理和治疗计划中.
  12. The patient shall be free to communicate with, associate with, and meet privately with anyone, including family and resident groups, 除非这样做会侵犯其他病人的权利. The patient may send and receive unopened personal mail. 病人有权在不受监控的情况下定期使用电话.
  13. 患者可自由参加任何社会活动, religious, and community groups, 除非这样做会侵犯其他病人的权利.
  14. 在空间允许的情况下,患者可以自由保留和使用个人衣物和物品, 前提是不侵犯其他病人的权利.
  15. The patient shall be entitled to privacy for visits and, if married, 如果双方都是同一医院的病人,且双方都同意,则与其配偶共用一个房间,除非有医学禁忌并有医生证明. 患者有权在该设施中居住和接受服务,并根据个人需求和偏好提供合理的便利, including choice of room and roommate, 除非个人或其他病人的健康和安全会受到威胁.
  16. 不得因年龄而拒绝给予病人适当的照顾, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, marital status, familial status, disability, religion, national origin, source of income, source of payment, or profession.
  17. 患者有权由其选择的医生进行治疗, 根据工厂有关工厂认证过程的合理规章制度.
  18. 患者有权拥有患者的父母, if a minor, or spouse, or next of kin, or unmarried partner, or a personal representative chosen by the patient, if an adult, visit the facility, without restriction, 如果病人被负责照顾病人的医生认为是绝症.
  19. 患者有权按照RSA 151:28的规定接待经批准的组织的代表.
  20. 当设施内有可用空间时,不得以医疗补助作为支付来源的基础上拒绝患者进入该设施.
  21. 以病人保险计划的条款和条件为准, 患者有权访问其保险计划网络中的任何医疗机构,根据RSA 420-J:8的规定,不得无故拒绝转诊到该网络中的医疗机构或设施, XIV.
  22. The patient shall not be denied admission, care, 或者仅仅根据病人的疫苗接种情况提供服务.
  23. Patient Support. (a) In addition to the rights specified in paragraph 18, the patient shall be entitled to designate a spouse, family member, 或者在病人接受治疗期间可能会访问该机构的护理人员. A patient who is a minor may have a parent, guardian, 在未成年病人接受治疗时,由一个人代替父母前往医院.

(b) Exceptions:

(1) Notwithstanding subparagraph (a), 在下列情况下,卫生保健机构可制定限制或限制探视的探视政策:



(C) Visitors are engaging in disruptive, threatening, or violent behavior toward any staff member, patient, or another visitor; or


(2) Upon request, the patient or patient's representative, if the patient is incapacitated, 应提供本款规定的拒绝或撤销探视权的理由.

(c)保健设施可要求来访者佩戴该设施提供的个人防护装备, or provided by the visitor and approved by the facility. 卫生保健机构可能要求来访者遵守合理的安全规程和行为规则. 不符合本款规定的,医疗机构得撤销探视权.

(d)本款的任何规定不得解释为要求保健设施允许来访者进入手术室, isolation room, isolation unit, 行为健康环境或其他典型的限制区域,或在紧急情况下的紧急护理管理期间留在现场. 本款的任何规定不得解释为要求保健设施允许访客进入房间以外的地方, units, 或者病人接受治疗的病房,或者在医疗机构的一般公共区域之外.

(e)本款规定的权利不应终止, suspended, or waived by the health care facility, the department of health and human services, or any governmental entity, 尽管州长或立法机关已宣布紧急状态. 根据RSA 151:2获得许可的医疗机构不得要求病人放弃本款规定的权利.

(f)根据RSA 151:2获得许可的每个保健设施应在其网站上公布:


(2) The patients' bill of rights which applies to the facility on its website; and

(3)详述本段规定的权利和责任的医院探视政策, 以及医院网站上的书面政策对这些权利的限制.

(g) Unless expressly required by federal law or regulation, 在下列情况下,部门或任何其他国家机构不得对保健设施采取由本款引起的任何行动:




Source. 1981, 453:1. 1989, 43:1. 1990, 18:1-6; 140:2, XI. 1991, 365:10. 1992, 78:1. 1997, 108:6; 331:3-8. 1998, 199:2; 388:5, 6. 2001, 85:1, eff. Aug. 18, 2001. 2009, 252:1, eff. Sept. 14, 2009. 2013, 265:3, eff. Jan. 1, 2014. 2019, 332:6, eff. Oct. 15, 2019. 2020, 39:61, 62, eff. Jan. 1, 2021, 52:2, eff. May 2022, 304:2, eff. July 2022.

Any time you have questions, concerns, or a complaint about the level of care or service provided, 皇冠app鼓励您及时将此情况告知护理团队的任何成员.

病人关系的工作人员可以讨论和审查申诉或关切,你有. Your concern will be handled in a confidential manner. 周一至周五可通过电话与患者关系联系, 8 am to 4 pm at (603) 230-1902, via email at 或以书面形式寄往康科德医院病人关系处,250 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301.

Concerns may also be directed to: State of New Hampshire: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Health Facilities Administration, Main Building, 129 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301, (603) 271-9039 or; Hospital Accreditation: DNV Healthcare USA Inc., Attn: Healthcare Complaints, 1400 Ravello Dr. Katy, TX 77449, website:, email:, 1-866-496-9647, or fax: (281) 870-4818, Medicare Patients Only: Acentra Health, BFCC-QIO Program, 5201 West Kennedy Blvd. Suite 900, Tampa, FL 33609, 1-888-319-8452, or TTY at 1-855-843-4776.